This week there is such much guff going on in the world of Brexit and education and pretty much everything across the world that I decided to ignore it all and focus on my own little world. I’ve had enough of doom and gloom, so I thought I’d focus on nicer things for now!
We had parents evening at school this week and it was lovely. We were off timetable for the afternoon and the kids whose year wasn’t involved were out of school for the afternoon, apart from a few who had exam or coursework commitments. Parents had booked to see my teaching partner and me (we share working with our classes, so we doubled up on appointments) and meeting the parents behind our kids was lovely. I’m relatively new to the school and haven’t met many of the parents yet. I’m on a 0.5 contract so I’m not in school for the whole week, which can mean that I don’t see parents who may pop in to meet with my colleagues.
However, this week, I started to meet up with people and it was a privilege. I am an inherently curious soul and I am always keen to meet the families ‘behind’ the kids as it can really fill in blanks and help to start building positive, collaborative home-school partnerships. The people we saw were engaged in their children’s learning, eager to hear what my teaching partner and I had to say and were willing to share their own points of view. I really enjoyed it.
Of course, there were parents who we didn’t see, who we really wanted to see but didn’t come and that is always frustrating, but for this week, I’m ignoring that because I am choosing not to engage with the self-questioning doubt that can creep in when you’re a teacher.
This week, the kids were awesome, the parents were supportive and there was blooming good cake!