This last month has been bonkers. It’s properly bonkers. May is usually a busy one with family birthdays, bank holidays and frequent trips up the A350. The weather is usually stunning (I’m a big fan of late spring and early summer), and we’re gearing up for a whole load of playing out on my bike and running round fields with the hounds.
Last year was a bit different as we’d just had the Little Dude and I couldn’t take him out on my bike, and we were just learning to navigate life with him kicking about. I was looking forward to this summer, so that the Little Dude and I could do biking and playing out and enjoying some time to ourselves. I was looking forward to spring this year; biking out and playing in the new, fresh greens with longer days and warmer breezes is one of my favourite things. That didn’t happen either.
Lockdown and COVID-19 happened.
Mr Dr Ross and I have both been working from home and tag-teaming the Little Dude, herding the doglets and alternating who gets a few hours in the office, usually for conference calls. And for the most-part it’s worked. We’ve managed to have some lovely family lunches, dig a new driveway, lay a path and do the day jobs. We’ve had some crappy days where everything goes to pot and we want to press the restart button. But we plod on.
Talking through a project today brought home how much change we’ve processed these last few months, and how lucky we are to have managed it fairly easily. Not everyone has had that chance. Some people’s situations are untenable and will continue thus while lockdown restrictions are in place. Some people’s situations are untenable if they are forced out of lockdown. We are in such a pickle with what to do next and where to go with it. Schools won’t be ‘normal’ any time soon and life won’t just pick up where it left off.
But it’s our wedding anniversary this week, and I really did quite fancy having cheeky jar and nibble out somewhere! That’ll wait though!