Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- Ross, H. (2024) ‘Impact of OrCam Learn on reading comprehension’, Support for Learning, 39 (3) pp. 95-103. DOI:
- Ross, H. (2024) ‘Dyslexia Assessment: Processes, Paperwork and Practicality for Parents’, The Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties Bulletin Summer 2024.
- Ross, H., Rudd, J. A., Skains, R. L., and Horry, R. (2023) ‘Climate change education through the You and CO2 programme: modelling student engagement and teacher delivery during COVID-19,’ Environmental Education Research
- Ross, H (2023) ‘Educating Post COVID-19: Moving on From Pandemic Pedagogy’ The Independent Scholar 9 pp 5-22 Available from:
- Ross, H. (2022) ‘The Butter-Cream-Jam Conundrum: A History of Culture Wars in Southwest England’ in Ross, H., Haste, A. and Baines L. (eds) Global Cuisines by Independent Scholars A Learned Cookbook. Vermont: National Coalition of Independent Scholars [Online] Available at (Accessed 1 December 2022). pp 54-57
- Ross, Helen (2021), ‘Between Home and School: Exploring Parents’ Experiences of Educating in a Pandemic’ in Parenting: Challenges of Child Rearing in a Changing Society (Forthcoming book) by S. Ali Samadi (ed) DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.101408
- Ross, Helen (2021). ‘I’m Dyslexic but What Does That Even Mean?’: Young People’s Experiences of Dyslexia Support Interventions in Mainstream Classrooms. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 23(1), pp. 284–294. DOI:
- Ross, H., Rudd, J., Skains, R. L. and Horry R. (2021), ‘How Big is My Carbon Footprint: Understanding Young People’s Engagement with Climate Change’, Sustainability, 13 (4): 1961. DOI: 10.3390/su13041961
- Ross, H (2020) ‘“It’s a Battle!”: Parenting and Supporting a Child with Dyslexia’ In Dyslexia by J. Glazzard (ed), pp 289-311 . DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.93948
- Ross, H (2020) ‘Review 2: The support systems for individuals with SpLDs’ in Council for Science and Technology, Current Understanding, Support Systems, and Technology-led Interventions for Specific Learning Difficulties Evidence reviews commissioned for work by the Council for Science and Technology London: The Council for Science and Technology Available from: [Accessed 12 October 2020]
- Ross, H. 2019. ‘A case study: developing a safe space for vulnerable young people at school’. Support for Learning 34 (2) pp 162-178.
- Ross, H., 2018. ‘Supporting a child with dyslexia: how parents/carers engage with school-based support for their children’. British Journal of Special Education. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8578.12254
- Ross, H., 2017. ‘An exploration of teachers’ agency and social relationships within dyslexia-support provision in an English secondary school’. British Journal of Special Education 44 (2) pp 186-202.
Invited and Guest Publications
- Ross, H. (2023, March) ‘No Woman is an Island’ From the Council to the Commons Chamber 3: 25.
- Ross, H. (2023, February) ‘Integrating dyslexia support into mainstream teaching’ TeachIt CPD [Online] Available at: (Accessed 5 August 2023)
- Ross, H. (2022, November) ‘Dyslexia: from the Inside and Out.’ Dystinct Magazine 12: 41-56.
- Ross, H. (2021) ‘Speaking and writing quietly into the abyss: SEND and inclusion training for teachers’. SEN Magazine 114: 32-33
- Ross, H. (2021). ‘Working with your child’s school’ invited chapter in British Dyslexia Association, Guide to Dyslexia for Parents.
- Webinar presenter: Ross, H. (2021) ‘Let’s talk about dyslexia’: Seminar with Bowen, J. for Scanning Pens [Online Broadcast] 24March. [online] Available on request from
- Ross, H. (2021) ‘From A to B and all the way to Z, but what do you do when they can’t get there?: Supporting your child at school. ‘ Invited chapter in the British Dyslexia Association, Dyslexia Handbook 2021. Bracknell, UK: British Dyslexia Association
- Ross, H, (2020). Creativity in the Curriculum – An Exam Production-Line’ [online] Available from:
- Ross, H., (2020). ‘Lockdown Life: Dyslexia at a Distance’ [online] Available from: , Invited blog for the British Dyslexia Association Website.
- Ross, H., 2019. ‘Are We Supporting All of Our Children? The Cost of Dyslexia to Families’, University of Bath IPR Blog, 24 April. Available at:
Other Publications/Conferences:
- Ross, H (Forthcoming) ‘Literacy Learning Journeys: Dyslexia Across the Ages, 0-18.’ London: Speechmark by Routledge
- Ross, H., Haste, A. and Baines L. (eds) (2022) Global Cuisines by Independent Scholars A Learned Cookbook.
Vermont: National Coalition of Independent Scholars [Online] Available at (Accessed 1 December 2022).
- Ross, H (2022) ‘Helen Ross’ in Women in Academia Support Network (WIASN), ResearcHer. Bingley: Emerald Publishing. pp 101-104.
- Ross, H (2022) “Towards independence: blazing your trail as a freelance researcher” Times Higher Education
[Online] Available at
trail-freelance-researcher (Accessed 12 November 2022)
- Ross, H (2022, October) “A grand day out: Shifting a narrative in Swindon” British Dyslexia Association
Contact Magazine, pp24-25
- Ross, H (2021) ‘Mind the Gap: Bridging the gap between teaching practice and parental expectations for children with Specific Learning Difficulties’ Conference Paper. UKEdChat 2021 Online Conference [Online] 3/4/2021
- Ross, H (2021) ‘Mind the Gap: Understanding teacher’s and parents’ differing views of dyslexia-friendly practice in COVID-19 remote-learning’ Conference Paper. QuickFIRE Conference [Online] 24/03/2021.
- Ross, H., ‘ It’s impossible to read the pupils and the pupils can’t read the work: Teachers’ and Parents’ experiences of remote learning’ (2021) [A Presentation to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties]. London: All Party Parliamentary Group on Dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties. 4 March 16.00-18.00.
- Ross, H. 2021. ‘Where do we slot in? Teaching migration in an English secondary school.’ Invited talk. How to Talk About Migrations: Current Academic Research in Migration Studies and its Relevance for School Curriculum in Scotland and Further Afield Workshop I: Mapping the State of Affairs Between Research and Educational Needs in Scotland’ The Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Workshops. Online Event. 25 February 2021.
- Ross, H (2021) ‘Book Review: Young people’s development and the great recession: Uncertain transitions and precarious futures , Ingrid Schoon and John Bynner Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019’ In Social Policy and Administration Early View
- Ross, H (2020) ‘The COVID-19 School Closures: Effects on Learning and Teaching for Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.’ [online] Available from Response to Call for Evidence from The Department for Education Select Committee on Effects of COVID-19.
- Ross, H., 2019. ‘The Dyslexia Challenge.’ [online]. Available from:
- Ross, H., 2019. ‘Testing. Testing’, The Little Things Magazine. 31 May pp 10. [online]. Available from
- Ross, H., 2019. ‘I’m not hiding, you just can’t see me: understanding how schools help learners with hidden learning needs.’ [online]. Available from
- Ross, H., 2019. ‘How can education be inclusive when we’re not sure what inclusion is?’ UKEd Magazine. 15 May, pp 12 , [online]. Available from
- Ross, H., and Hicks, J., 2019. ‘Mangaging Dyslexia as a Family’ in Hodgson, S., Addington Lord, & Smith, H., The Human Cost of Dyslexia: The Emotional and Psychological Impact of Poorly Supported Dyslexia. A Report from the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Dyslexia and other SpLDs April 2019. London: All Party Parliamentary Group on Dyslexia and other Specific Learning Difficulties, pp.14-24.
- Ross, H., 2019. ‘Surviving SATs Season’, The Little Things Magazine. 16 March, pp 25. [online]. Available from:
- Ross, H., 2018. ‘Bored Games’, The Little Things Magazine. 12 December, pp 12. [online]. Available from:
- Ross, H., 2018. ‘Wobbly Transitions’, The Little Things Magazine. 23 October, pp 29. [online]. Available from:
- Ross, H., 2018, ‘How do we view young people with hidden disabilities in educational discourse?’ Available on line at
- Ross, H., 2017, ‘Am I a Good Teacher?: How Teachers Construct Themselves.’ Available online at
- Ross, H., 2016, ‘Dyslexia in the Classroom: Accessing Support.’ [Poster], University of Bath, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences Post Graduate Research Showcase: April 12. Available online at: