I work part-time as a classroom teacher. I was a full-time teacher and SENCO but I’m not going to talk about full time teaching here, rather how I found a professional mish-mash of occupations that helps me to have a balanced working life. I have been full time and part-time […]
I don’t know if I count as an experienced teacher. I’ve been doing it in various forms for 12 years and I like to think that I’m in the right job. I think that one of the things that means I’m still a teacher is that I have been able […]
I read an article in the Times Educational Supplement this morning about how to make schools better for kids with Autism. The article made some brilliant points and it got me to thinking about making the adjustments that are needed to support young people with autism in a mainstream setting. […]
I will preface this whole thing with the following: I don’t like reading, I rarely read for pleasure and tend to only read things for function rather than because I just ‘fancy a read’. For me as an individual, there are far easier and more attractive ways to take information […]
2018 was a funny old year. I finished 2017 and moved into 2018 as a Dr rather than a Mrs and that was quite a big change. I graduated my PhD and was picked up at the University of Bath Winter Ceremony as quite an out-of-the-ordinary Phd-er. I did it […]
Despite it being Tuesday and currently not raining (although it is distinctly grim outside), today, I mainly have a face like a wet Monday morning. I have spent much of the weekend asleep and feeling horrible with nasty migraine, something I have had since I was a young one and […]
This week has been a funny old week, but in a lovely way. I’ve been running around like a airborne insect with a cobalt-posterior and that does tend to be how I navigate life. Mr Dr Ross has been away so that doglets and I have been making the most […]
This week, I have been emailing back and forth with a colleague I met at a conference recently. We are hoping to raise funding to fund a trip where we will work together to train teachers to support young learners with special needs. One of the questions I was asked […]
I mean REALLY see them for who and what they are? Today, I was going to write about how two thirds of secondary schools can’t find maths teachers after reading about it. Then I was going to link to another article where Professor Jo Boaler discusses primary teachers’ experiences of […]