Where do mess-ups stop, and accountability begin? In any other industry, you’d get in huge amounts of bother for the way that education has been planned and how it has veered from one course to another with seeming wallies at the helm. You’d lay down conservative policies and some cautious […]
Anyone who knows me or follows me on any form of social media knows that I LOVE me my trampoline. I LOVE it beyond belief and I think that’s even more the case because I didn’t have one when I was younger. Me and My Trampoline It sounds like a […]
Unprecedented. Unparalleled. Extra-ordinary. These are all part of words and phrases that we’ve heard a lot over the last 3 months or so since the COVID-19 lockdown. And it’s not wrong. We are in really strange old times and it may well be that way for a while yet. Shops […]
Mr Dr Ross and I are slightly bonkers. This is the caveat for everything that we do and live out in our house. Lockdown has somehow emphasised our bonkersness, but not in a grumpy, argumentative kind of way. Rather it’s that we’re bonkers in seeing new things we can try […]
This last month has been bonkers. It’s properly bonkers. May is usually a busy one with family birthdays, bank holidays and frequent trips up the A350. The weather is usually stunning (I’m a big fan of late spring and early summer), and we’re gearing up for a whole load of […]
“No they can’t. Or well, perhaps they can because parents are home-schooling perfectly well and they don’t need teachers at all.” “Look at the New Oak Academy materials that we’ve had to make because schools aren’t doing what they need to and it’s just not good enough. In fact it’s […]
Lock down is happening in spring, so each week the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter. I like that. I am a daytime person and I love natural light. As I write this, I am next to our big front room windows that let light flood […]