In this life, there are people that you meet and they just chime with you. You meet and there is an instant click and an affinity; you get all high and bouncy on that initial click and it can feel like you’ll be friends for a substantial wodge of time. Sometimes […]
3 posts
This evening, I did have one job. It was to put beans and spaghetti hoops into the microwave and not burn them. Heat them to a civilised and edible temperature. Not burn them or make them incinerate our mouths. Well the beans didn’t quite burn and Mr Dr Ross’ mouth […]
Trustee: “A trustee is someone with legal control of money or property that is kept or invested for another person, company, or organization”. (Collins, Undated) This happened to me on Saturday just gone. I got made a trustee. I say this in what seems to be a really passive way: […]