I was chatting to one of my tutor-kiddos the other day because we are doing about Jekyll and Hyde. The session we had was about identity and profiles people have online. We got to talking about Instagram because of the way Jekyll and Hyde is, in its rawest form, about […]
3 posts
Anyone who knows me or follows me on any form of social media knows that I LOVE me my trampoline. I LOVE it beyond belief and I think that’s even more the case because I didn’t have one when I was younger. Me and My Trampoline It sounds like a […]
“I can’t do anything with them at home!” “He’s at school, so you need to deal with him!” “She’s so moody! I just can’t talk to her!” The number of times I’ve heard these phrases (or something equivalent), I cannot tell, both as a form tutor and as SENDCo. Sometimes […]