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Death of a friendship: moving on with a bit of heaviness
One week on and a whole world away.
2023- A Year of Changes and Fresh Starts
2022: it’s all been about the people
Policy Pincers: effecting change in our systems
Contrarianism: a new political movement or just the daily stance of a kidlet?
Odd Socks and Tea Spoons: A Whole New World!
What do you want to be when you grow up: success and targets
Leaning in: comfort and wriggles
Highways and byways: pathways onwards, upwards and sideways.
Toddlers, toilets and incomplete people: reflections on a bathroom near you!
Throwaway Culture (or I don’t like it and it’s rubbish!)
Stonehenge: My Big, Little Piece of History
You had one job? Really?
Confidence accompanied with a side of kindness!
Leadership: am I the old mucker in the driving seat- a lightbulb moment
If you don’t laugh, it’s all just a bit miserable!
Up and down: the A1 of demography (part 1)
L,B & T: Lips, Boobs, and Thighs- the plastic culture!
Teaching: Should I stay or Should I go? I’m out for now…
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