I’m in the National Education Union. I have been in the NASUWT in a past life in Yorkshire, before I went to South America for a while, then moved to the South West. I am proud Trade Unionist and I value what unions work for and their purpose of improving […]
I’m a teacher. I only work from 8.30-2.50 on the days I’m at school. I don’t prepare anything outside of school hours. I don’t do any work at the weekend. My CPD also always happens at school on site and within school hours. I don’t pay for my CPD; they […]
… what I really really want is to have time. More time to spend with my students and my colleagues each day and each week so that I can make sure that I meet their needs, support their progress and build better relationships. As the end of the school year […]
This time last year, I had just secured a new post at my current school after having made the decision to go part time as a teacher and do lots of other things alongside it. I had been SenCo at a lovely independent school in Wiltshire and had learned a […]
I spend Tuesday morning each week volunteering in a lovely school near my house, where I work with young learners who find literacy tricky and who may need a bit of extra mentoring time. I’m really lucky that the school has so thoroughly embraced me and welcomed me into the […]