There are times in life when you just need to laugh and to feel some hope. The word is a completely bonkers place and it has been for about the last umpteen years, with a particular focus on the last 2 or 3 as a source of ridiculousness. I write from a very fortunate place and I don’t ever want to forget that; I am sitting at home with my hounds cuddling me and Mr Dr Ross patiently putting up with the daftness that is me.
Making sense of the last few weeks though- not a clue, just not a clue! I can’t so I am just kind of just taking bits and bobs in, trying to work out where to place it and if there is anything useful that I can do in the process to support anyone else!
I am such an anxious creature- it’s no secret and I’ve written about it many times before but actually, stuff is just too big and confusing for me to worry about it hugely. It’s when things are so intangible that I can’t process them.
So for now I’m needing to find little things to giggle about, or bits of light to make the days a bit shinier. It might be in the form of a hug from the hounds or a chat with the Little Dude- today, we shared a pretend smoothie in a café where we’d just eaten some cake. I’m sort of moving towards the idea that we don’t know what’s happening so I need to live. I need to breathe in life and smell blossom when I walk by the river, bury my head in the doglets’ fur when they’re all cuddly, stand and just be when I’m in the sticks on my last few weeks of commuting over the Plain.
I need to be able to stand still and take in the world, when it’s at its best in those few quiet moments I have between sets of daftness, meetings, hounds and kidlets. There is so much wrong in the world but while-ever I can, I need to find light and laughter in little things.
Today, it’s the hounds and the child. Tomorrow, I’m hoping for a good bit of shininess over the plain and some pretty light when I go past Stonehenge. Hopefully tomorrow will bring smiles at school and grins in the evening.
Those moments of light are important, and if we don’t take them where we can, everything just gets dull and colour fades out- not good for anyone.