I just looked through what I wrote at the last year’s summary point. Also, our internet was down because someone sliced through the cable over the road, which was really handy. I just imagine that now and get literal chills of horror! But my post was excited and buzzing full of new possibilities and generally looking forward to 2020 being a really good, productive and energizing year.
2020 was bloody mental!
But it wasn’t all bad- far from it for us. There have been such moments of utter despair and darkness, do not get me wrong. I’ve got medication for acute anxiety and have for years- it has been used this year. We have felt isolated and grumpy and me and Mr Dr Ross have a lovely space to work in with, options for never actually having to see each other during the working day. We have need the toilet! We have needed the toilet SOOOOOO much! I love access to toilets. I go a lot and not being able to have a quick wee when I’m out in and about walking with the Little Dude is properly rubbish. I understand why, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it!
So we have had these moments where we just want the world to stop and pause, so we can catch up and have a really, really good sleep!
We have also seen the Little Dude crawl and walk and start to grunt and talk. We have seen him learn to look us in the face, and ignore whatever he’s being told. We’ve seen him bounce up and down while I dance round the kitchen like a complete nutter and we’ve giggled at squirty bath sharks and had water fights in the garden.
Mr Dr Ross had pioneered a shed-load of stuff for work and I’ve been asked to write a book chapter and paid to consult with the government. And I’ve been asked to speak at a conference and I’m in the middle of evaluating a Local Authority project. There have been some amazing things happen with my work with Swansea Uni, and I’ve got some cool stuff going on in Scotland and it’s all really rather cool. Assessments and Dyslexia stuff is all going really well- and I LOVE it. I absolutely LOVE it.
Goodness only knows what 2021 will bring- I’m hoping pain in my left arm at some point, from a vaccine I will GLADLY take. I’m hoping a good few days’ kip over at my parents’ house and to eat more Vanilla Sponge from the Honey Street Mill Café, enough pennies to do life and everyone to just plod on as best they can, as happily and healthily as possible.
That’s what I want for 2021.
That and vegetarian, calorie-free Pop Tarts!